Im Fokus des zweiten Better Internet for Kids (BIK) bulletin steht das Thema ‚Online-Extremismus und Radikalisierung‘ – der Artikel enthält diverse Informationen, Verweise auf Studien und Ratgeber sowie Initiativen und Konferenzen, die sich mit dem Thema befassen.
Weitere Themen/Inhalte:
- Live Streaming Apps
- The Internet of Things (IoT)
- ‘MIL for me’: an online training resource on media and information literacy
- ‘The Internet Farm’ among the inspiring media literacy practices in Europe
- Checklists for safe use of social media
- Empowering youth at EuroDIG
- Youth ambassadors discuss outreach of the Youth Manifesto principles
- New reports from EU Kids Online
- Net Children 2020 – Growing up with media: Towards a roadmap…
- New blog launched on parenting and digital media
- MIRACLE and interoperable age labels
- Addressing global safety issues on a national scale
- Safer Internet Forum 2015
- Safer Internet Day 2016
- Back2School campaign
- EU Code Week 10-18 October 2015 – Bringing ideas to life with #codeEU
- INHOPE’s Annual General Assembly
- Who knows the best way to stay safe online? The kids themselves… thanks to the iSejf competition